Tracking Dropped Objects using JQuery Library - javascript

I am wondering what the best practice would be for the following project.
I am going to use JQuery to make a drag-and-drop quiz feature. At the end of the quiz, when the submit button is pressed, I want to total the number of correct boxes dropped over correct answers. This means that not all boxes will have been dropped.
I was considering using Javascript classes to instantiate objects (boxes, in this case) and count up through all the objects that had a "droppedTrue" value set to true, for example. Or I guess I could somehow set a property in the javascript of each of the boxes (probably divs) so when the submit button was pressed it would go through all the boxes with a certain marker?
I guess my question boils down to how do I set some type of marker for the divs that have actually been dropped on the correct boxes?

Ok here it is. I wasn't sure which scenario you mean for the two guesses restriction (whether on the answer or the question). I put it on the answer but you should be able to flip it around pretty easily.


Changing Image Instances on Dynamic Web Form

I'm looking to put together a dynamic Web form where, when the customer selects options from a series of radio buttons, additional items will be added to the main image.
Think of it as if you had a Photoshop layer and all the other layers above could be hidden or revealed dependent on the customer's input on the form.
So, two questions...
I assume I should be using JavaScript for this form. Being a beginner with JavaScript, is there a way for me to tell it to change the image based on multiple inputs selected by the customer? The base image would be the same but I would be looking to hide/reveal multiple "overlays" on top of the base image.
Is this something that React can handle or should I be looking at something like Angular?
Thanks for your assistance with this question!
I can answer for number one by providing a live example:
It consists of three components, FormControls, Blocks and App. Names are quite self-explanatory and so should be code itself. There may be some minor mistakes in code since it's quite quickly written on the fly, but it should give you insight on how this can be achieved with React.

pro tinkering for html select box look-alike but with extra features

This could be an fun question. I'm planning to make a select box that looks like normal html at first, but when you open it there will be two exciting things:
The box will contain 2 different text-aligns making two neat rows.(see picture)
At the end of each line of the list item contained in the box, there will be a like/dislike button system.(see picture)
Some of you already know where this is going, I'll need to make the thing like you'd make any such menu in GUI programming. I assume some object oriented Javascript programming?
(I'm looking for technical details as I'm novice at Javascript and jQuery(but not at programming), I'm basically interested in info about transferring such a pseudocode construct into Javascript/jQuery or another more usable framework if really need be. I'm also perfectly aware that I'm normally not going to be using any actual html in this GUI.)
So my question is, how should I set out to do this according to you?
You will not be able to modify a normal select element to achieve this, you will have to
Create a proxy-pro-select-element and hide the original one.
Copy option elements and create equivalent one in your proxy
You will have to also keep both selects in sync.
Once you have that you can do anything in your proxy-pro-select-element, simplest would be to on click show a table with select able rows, with table it would be very easy to align all columns.
Technical details:
Read how to implement a jQuery plugin
In your plugin's init loop through options in target select and create corresponding rows in a div say dropdown, hide original select and replace it with your control which will be a select-div
onclick on select-div, show dropdown div after re-positioning correctly
See code like this and modify
You should be able to accomplish something similar to this with jQuery and jQuery UI comboboxing,
And then modify _renderItem to change the layout of results in the dropdown. You can search for the following in the view source: "autocomplete" )._renderItem
However, I would try to avoid having like/dislike buttons in a combo box because it goes against normal web conventions.

form made only from images (with scroll bars)

I'm trying to make a page that allows users to select one shirt, one pair of pants, and a pair of shoes from an existing selection (horizontal scrollers for each group). The user then submits their selection and I receive an email of the users selection. Ideally the user should be able to see their complete selection either as an isolated element on the page or each scroller should focus on the chosen element.
I've been unsuccessful getting the selected element to display separately somewhere on the page.
As far as having three separate scrolling windows I was going to create three forms and put them in iframes, but it seems as though getting multiple forms to post with one submit button, and processing them is quite difficult.
I could scroll over all three groups simultaneously and this way keep it one form (shirts, pants, shoes) but this would be pretty ugly.
Here is a link to my scrolling form made from only one group.
I'm new to all of this, and I'll sacrifice some polish in order to get a working system.
What approach would be best to accomplish this system?
thanks in advance.
more elegant looking suggestion (using only client side programming)
use forms and create a table with each element as part of TD or inline list
on click--> highlight the image
on double click--> push/append it to a new div with info(link, name etc) about image and do the needful in the form of anchors and list tags
this new div can be displayed now or on a click of a submit button as a list of selected items. add an anchor to remove an item on click.
well there can be many ways to go about it. this is just one way and avoid the pain of using php.
since u asked about approaches: i prefer client side programming to php but thats purely based on my experience. use jquery to help u move around with js.

How to detect struckthrough text using JavaScript

I have a form which presents the user a list of checkboxes, some of which have the text label struckthrough some don't depending on initial conditions. This is functioning fine. During the form validation however, I would like to be able to detect which are struckthrough. I can figure out how to check if they're enabled, but whether the label is struckthrough is eluding me. Any ideas?
You'll have to use the DOM methods (or jQuery) to look at the parent element of the text to see if its a <del> tag.
Can you provide some sample source so I might be able to elaborate with an example.
Doing this with jQuery just makes so much more sense then trying to mess around with plain Javascript. Here is what you need, basically:
striked = $("strike"); // As mentioned, you should use `del` .. strike is depreciated
$.each(striked, function(i, el) {
alert($(el).html() + " is striked through. What do you want to do with it?");
Not sure what you want, but that would detect all elements with strike/del on your page. You can also change the search a bit, to restrict it to only within a certain form/div/whatever like so:
striked = $("strike", $("#myform_id"));
Hope that's what you were looking for.
If the strikeout (your struckthrough) is assigned via a CSS class, you can simple detect the class (since you can already detect enabled/disabled). Else like Darrell mentioned, jQuery will be a great method.
You basically have two categories of checkboxes which you are defining by their display qualities (struckthrough and not). This kind of "what does it look like" detection creates an artificial code-dependency which could cause a lot of trouble later:
The strikethrough effect can be accomplished in several ways (the del tag, the strike tag, CSS text-decoration: line-through, and possibly others in future versions of HTML/CSS). If you later change which way you do the effect, you'll have to update your js code to match
If you ever choose to reformat the list and stop using the strikethrough effect (e.g. you decide to make it invisible, or faded out, or have a red x over it), you will lose your ability to distinguish between the two types of checkboxes.
Instead, you should either assign a CSS class (like "nonUsableCheckboxes") to all strikethrough checkboxes, or generate a hidden field indicating if it is strikethrough or not. That way your javascript stays independent of your display code, and less prone to fail.

Make DIV accept and handle drop via JavaScript possible?

I've been googling and trying this for a good while now, but comes nowhere. So here goes:
What I want to do is to drop text on a DIV tag and handle that with JavaScript. Something along these lines:
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleDrop(sender, args)
<div id="theDiv" ondrop="handleDrop()" />
This is some simple text. Draggable?
So, on this page I want to be able to drag contents from the paragraph for example to the div and it would handle the drop and change it's appearance accordingly (Or maybe just display that text, as long as it would handle it!). I've been trying with jQuery, but it seems to be a whole other model, and I can't set all my potential draggables as such because they should be able to come from everywhere. Is this even possible?
EDIT: Please correct me if I'm wrong, but these droppables all require a draggable to be dropped at it, right? What I would want is that you can drop text, pure text, from a page that you don't have any control of. This might sound weird, but it's for a firefox extension where you can drag content from a page to another page that resides in the side bar.
I would recommend using an established Javascript Library such as jQuery or YUI.
Have you considered creating a hidden textarea (ie with css style visibility:hidden) overlapping the div in question? Then check for drops with the onchange JavaScript event, or if that doesn't work, periodically the textarea's value for non-empty strings. I'm guessing your mileage will vary depending on the browser and operating system.
Or if you prefer Prototype like I do:
EDIT: Based on your revised question: No, there's no way to allow a user to drop text from one page to another page. Not unless you do decide to build a FireFox extension like you were saying. Even if you could find a way around the security issue where you cannot script a page that's not under the same domain, you can only drag and drop DOM elements within the window/iFrame they're in.
I have done this before and it CAN be done without any library with some effort.
I've built the following methods:
Method that tracks your mouse movements.
Method to read and pass the content when you drop.
Used onmousemove and onclick events for the drag and drop methods.
OnMouseOver for the div area where you'd like to drop the text - to detect whether the pointer is over the container (div) or not.
Finally after dropping the text I deleted the original content (if needed) using innerHTML so it looks like it has been moved.
You can pretty much achieve a Windows like drag and drop functionality with this. I used it for drag and drop images, icons, etc.
If you need help with the coding I can give you some guidance, but most of it you will find if you Google around a little, then all you need to do is make them work together.

