Chrome Extension - sendRequest slow - javascript

I am having trouble getting my content script request values from my background script.
var elements = undefined
var properties = undefined
var targets = undefined
chrome.extension.sendRequest({greeting: "elements"}, function(response) {
elements = response.input;
if (elements == undefined){
var elements = ["a","img"];
elements = elements.split(',');
chrome.extension.sendRequest({greeting: "properties"}, function(response) {
properties = response.input;
if (properties == undefined){
var properties = ["alt","id","class"];
properties = properties.split(',');
chrome.extension.sendRequest({greeting: "targets"}, function(response) {
targets = response.input;
if (targets == undefined){
var targets = ["onclick","href"];
targets = targets.split(',');
...More code and references to elements following...
The above code only works when there is a break in the code (ie waiting) before doing any relating to the values set above, I suppose I could put something to do that but i would prefer to use a more efficient solution if possible.
(for reference:)
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
switch (request.greeting){
case "elements":
var elements = localStorage["elements"];
sendResponse({input: elements});
case "properties":
var properties = localStorage["properties"];
sendResponse({input: properties});
case "targets":
var targets = localStorage["targets"];
sendResponse({input: targets});
I have been at this for 3 hours (still learning what I'm doing with JS)

Uhhhhhm you cannot do that:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({greeting: "properties"}, function(response) {
properties = response.input;
if (properties == undefined){ // always undefined
var properties = ["alt","id","class"];
properties = properties.split(',');
sendRequest is async.
And the correct way of checking for undefined is:
if (typeof properties == "undefined")
If you need all that stuff just make 1 request and do all your stuff inside the callback:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({greeting: "all"}, function(response) {
if (response.elements === null) {
var elements = ["a","img"];
} else {
var elements = response.elements.split(',');
if ( === null) {
var properties = ["alt","id","class"];
} else {
var properties =',');
if (response.targets === null) {
var targets = ["onclick","href"];
} else {
var targets = response.targets.split(',');
And in background:
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
switch (request.greeting){
case "all":
elements: localStorage.getItem("targets"),
properties: localStorage.getItem("properties"),
targets: localStorage.getItem("targets")


One local storage JavaScript for fields on different pages

Three different web pages have three contenteditable areas each (content1, content2, and content3).
Each page links to one JavaScript which uses local storage to store the user's input and present it again on their return.
When I change the content on one page, it changes the content in the same editable area all three pages.
I want each page to be able to use the same script to save it's own data independently of the other pages.
I've tried adding page location (url) to the local storage key, to get each page to use the same script to store and retrieve it's own data, but I can't get it to work. Am new to JavaScript - would be grateful for any help. Thanks!
window.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
function onLoad() {
// Get page location
var loc = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
// Add location to local storage key
function checkEdits() {
if (localStorage.userEdits1 != null) {
var userEdits1 = (loc + userEdits1);
document.getElementById('content1').innerHTML = localStorage.userEdits1;
if (localStorage.userEdits2 != null) {
var userEdits2 = (loc + userEdits2);
document.getElementById('content2').innerHTML = localStorage.userEdits2;
if (localStorage.userEdits3 != null) {
var userEdits3 = (loc + userEdits3);
document.getElementById('content3').innerHTML = localStorage.userEdits3;
document.onkeyup = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
function saveEdits() {
// Get editable elements
var editElem1 = document.getElementById('content1');
var editElem2 = document.getElementById('content2');
var editElem3 = document.getElementById('content3');
// Get edited elements contents
var userVersion1 = editElem1.innerHTML;
var userVersion2 = editElem2.innerHTML;
var userVersion3 = editElem3.innerHTML;
// Add page location to storage key
var userEdits1 = (loc + userEdits1);
var userEdits2 = (loc + userEdits2);
var userEdits3 = (loc + userEdits3);
// Save the content to local storage
localStorage.userEdits1 = userVersion1;
localStorage.userEdits2 = userVersion2;
localStorage.userEdits3 = userVersion3;
function clearLocal() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to clear your notes on this page?')) {
localStorage.setItem("userEdits1", "");
localStorage.setItem("userEdits2", "");
localStorage.setItem("userEdits3", "");
document.getElementById('content1').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('content2').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('content3').innerHTML = "";
alert('Notes cleared');
The actual problem of your script is this:
To access the property of an object with a string (e.g. stored in a variable) you have to use the bracket notation:
But I would propose a slightly more generic (and, imho, cleaner) solution...
Store the content of the editable elements in an object
var cache = {
<elementX id>: <content>,
<elementY id>: <content>,
<elementZ id>: <content>,
And then store this "cache" in the local storage with a page-specific key
localStorage.setItem(window.location.pathName, JSON.stringify(cache));
A possible implementation could be:
window.addEventListener('load', checkEdits);
getContentEditables().forEach(function(editable) {
// This prevents the function to execute on every keyup event
// Instead it will only be executed 100ms after the last keyup
var debouncedFunc = debounce(100, function(e) {
editable.addEventListener("keyup", debouncedFunc);
function checkEdits() {
var cache = localStorage.getItem(window.location.pathName);
if (cache !== null) {
cache = JSON.parse(cache);
.forEach(function(key) {
var element = document.getElementById(key);
if (element !== null) {
element.innerHTML = cache[key];
function saveEdits() {
var cache = {};
getContentEditables().forEach(function(element) {
cache[] = element.innerHTML;
localStorage.setItem(window.location.pathName, JSON.stringify(cache));
function clearLocal() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to clear your notes on this page?')) {
getContentEditables().forEach(function(element) {
element.innerHTML = "";
alert('Notes cleared');
// helper
function getContentEditables() {
var elements = [];
.forEach(function(element) {
if ( {
return elements;
function debounce(timeout, func) {
var timeoutId;
return function() {
var that = this,
args = arguments;
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
func.apply(that, args);
}, timeout);
Instead of

jQuery each with ajax call will continue before it's finished

I have some jQuery which uses an each loop to go through values entered in a repeated form field on a Symfony 3 CRM. There is a $.post which sends the entered value to a function that checks for duplicates in the database, and if it's a duplicate it adds something to an array, otherwise it adds a blank value to indicate it's not a dupe. Once these have been done, it then checks the final array and adds any errors to the error block to display to the user.
However, it seems that the array is ALWAYS blank and I belivee it's because it's running the code that displays the errors BEFORE it's actually finished getting the response.
Here is my code:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
var bitch_errors = [];
var dog_errors = [];
// NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input
$('.check_bitch_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
$('.check_dog_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) {
return true;
// loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input
$.each( bitch_errors, function( key, value ) {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
$.each( dog_errors, function( key, value ) {
if(value != "") {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
return false;
Basically, it first checks that the inputted name is valid, then posts off and checks for dupes. The issue is, even though it does the validity check (and prints errors accordingly) it seems to ignore the dupe check and carry on before it's even called back the first response.
How can I make sure it's finished it's checking before going on and adding the errors to the form? I've tried other solutions including attempting to implement the $.when functionality in jQuery but I don't really understand how to make it work. Any help appreciated.
First, write a function that returns an asynchronous promise to give you a value for one dog:
function checkDog(name) {
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(name)) {
return $.Deferred().resolve("invalid");
} else {
return $.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: name } )
.then(function (response) {
if (response === 'duplicate') {
return 'duplicate';
} else {
return '';
Then you can write one that handles multiple dogs, also returning a promise (which won't itself be resolved until every dog has been checked):
function checkDogs(array) {
return $.when.apply($,;
Note that there's no DOM-related code yet. You can now write a function that gets the values from a bunch of DOM inputs and returns them in an array:
function getInputValues($selector) {
return $selector.get().map(function(el) {
return el.value;
So now (on submit) you can check your two sets of inputs and then finally when both of these are available, you can examine the results and update the DOM:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
var bitch_names = getInputValues($('.check_bitch_name'));
var dog_names = getInputValues($('.check_dog_name'));
var bitch_promises = checkDogs(bitch_names);
var dog_promises = checkDogs(dog_names);
$.when(bitch_promises, dog_promises).then(function(bitch_errors, dog_errors) {
// update the DOM based on the passed arrays
You are right, ajax calls are like their name says asynchronous. Therefor you can only rely on the .done function. A simple solution would be to initialize a counter variable at the beginning for bitches and dogs and in the according done function you decrement it until it reaches zero. Then, also in the done function, you put an if that calls validation of the error arrays. Here is UNTESTED code to show what I mean:
$('#puppy_form').on('submit', function() {
here you get the initial count for bitches and dogs
var bitch_count = $('.check_bitch_name').length;
var dog_count = $('.check_dog_name').length;
var bitch_errors = [];
var dog_errors = [];
// NOTE: Bitch and dog names need to be checked differently so we know which error is assigned to which input
$('.check_bitch_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
now on every checked name you decrement the counter
and if both counters reach zero you can be sure you
checked all and only now you call your validation
if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) {
return validateErrors();
$('.check_dog_name').each( function(i, obj) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
same here
if(bitch_count === 0 && dog_count === 0) {
return validateErrors();
...and finally all code that should be processed after the ajax calls
function validateErrors() {
if(count(bitch_errors) == 0 && count(dog_errors) == 0) {
return true;
// loop through the errors and assign them to the correct input
$.each( bitch_errors, function( key, value ) {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="bitch_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
$.each( dog_errors, function( key, value ) {
if(value != "") {
if (value == "invalid") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Names must be at least two words, and only contain letters');
return false;
} else if(value == "duplicate") {
$('input[name="dog_name['+key+']"]').next('.error-message').html('Sorry, this name has already been taken');
return false;
return false;
You could use the async lib to manage these requests and collect the results which will then be passed into the final callback where you can process them.
I haven't tried to run this code but hopefully it will get you close enough if not already there.
bitch_errors: function(callback) {
var bitch_errors = [];
async.forEachOf($('.check_bitch_name'), function(obj, i, cb) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_bitch_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_bitch_name)) {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_bitch_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
bitch_errors[i+1] = "";
}, function () {
callback(null, bitch_errors);
dog_errors: function(callback) {
var dog_errors = [];
async.forEachOf($('.check_dog_name'), function(obj, i, cb) {
// need to check each name for validity and duplication.
var entered_dog_name = obj.value;
var pattern = /^[a-zA-Z,.]+\s[a-zA-Z,.]+(\s[a-zA-Z,.]+){0,}$/;
if(!pattern.test(entered_dog_name)) {
dog_errors[i+1] = "invalid";
} else {
// now to check for duplicates
$.post('/check-puppy-name', { name: entered_dog_name }
).done(function (response) {
if(response == 'duplicate') {
dog_errors[i+1] = "duplicate";
} else {
dog_errors[i+1] = "";
}, function () {
callback(null, dog_errors);
}, function(err, results) {
// you can now access your results like so
if(count(results.bitch_errors) == 0 && count(results.dog_errors) == 0) {
// ... rest of your code

If statement not returning as supposed

I might seem really dumb but this piece of code is really frustating me.
return "removed";
return "doesn't exist"
The thing is, the fs.remove() is actually called but the function is returning "doesnt't exist", Am I missing something?
I'm not using nodejs, this is from one library i made, is asynchronously.
It's not modifying the parametters but it does change the condition, might be that?
Well I'm posting my fs object although I don't think this will change anything.
fs = {
load: function() {
if (localStorage[0] == undefined || localStorage[0] == "undefined" || localStorage[0] == "") {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
} else {
fs.files = JSON.parse(localStorage[0]);
save: function() {
localStorage[0] = JSON.stringify(fs.files);
files: [],
newFile: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
exist: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return true;
return false;
find: function(fileName) {
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name == fileName)
return fs.files[i];
return false;
format: function() {
fs.files = [];
localStorage[0] = undefined;
write: function(name, content, overwrite) {
if (overwrite == undefined)
overwrite = true;
if (fs.exist(name) && overwrite) {
fs.find(name).content = content;;
if (!(fs.exist(name))) {
name: name,
content: content
remove: function(file) {
var arrToreturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fs.files.length; i++) {
if (fs.files[i].name != file)
fs.files = arrToreturn;;
return arrToreturn;
Resolved -
After a few days of inspecting the code I found the bug where the function was called twice, the amount of code was really huge so it took me a while.
You need to add a semi-colon to return "doesn't exist", it should read return "doesn't exist";
If this is an Object, still it works.
We can assume this to be an File object ARRAY, indexOf still works to find if the item exists.
Please have a look upon below example:
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
var a = fruits.indexOf("Apple");
Result is 2 in case Apple is found
Result is -1 in case Apple is not found
You can have some more options at this link:
Use This Code For Solving This Problam. thanks
var fs = require('fs-extra')
fs.remove('/tmp/myfile', function (err) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
fs.removeSync('/home/jprichardson') //I just deleted my entire HOME directory.
You can try javascript indexOf function to check if the value really exists, BEFORE REMOVE Operation.
Example below:
var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
var n = str.indexOf("welcome");
=> Gives 13 if found
if we search for "welcome1" -> will give -1

Nicer way to get nested object attributes

Often in a response from a remote API call, I receive nested objects:
var response = {
data : {
users : [
name : 'Mr. White'
I want to check whether the first user's name is 'Mr. White', and would naturally want to write something like.
var existed =[0].name === 'Mr. White'
However I cannot be sure if all the objects are present, so to avoid exceptions instead I end up writing:
var existed = response && && &&[0].name === 'Mr. White'
Is there a nicer way to do this? Another ugly option that comes to mind is:
var existed = false;
try {
var existed =[0].name === 'Mr. White';
} catch(e) { }
In addition to vanilla javascript, I usually have underscore.js and jquery available too.
Oops, noticed I asked a dupe of javascript test for existence of nested object key.
An interesting option based on those answers is:
var existed = (((response || {}).data || {}).users || [{}])[0].name === 'Mr. White';
You could hide this naughty try/catch block inside a function like this one :
function resolve(root, path){
try {
return (new Function(
'root', 'return root.' + path + ';'
} catch (e) {}
var tree = { level1: [{ key: 'value' }] };
resolve(tree, 'level1[0].key'); // "value"
resolve(tree, 'level1[1].key'); // undefined
More on this :
I would use the try catch approach but wrap it in a function to hide the ugliness.
Instead of a try/catch, this should be done via checking whether each level in the object is defined or not.
go for
&& typeof(!="undefined"
&& typeof(!="undefined"
&& typeof([0])!="undefined"
&& typeof([0].name)!="undefined"
) {
//executes only if[0].name is existing
Here is a function which I used in one of my projects
var object = {
data: {
users: [
firstName: "White"
firstName: "Black"
var read = function(path, obj) {
var path = path.split(".");
var item = path.shift();
if(item.indexOf("]") == item.length-1) {
// array
item = item.split("[");
var arrayName = item.shift();
var arrayIndex = parseInt(item.shift().replace("]", ""));
var arr = obj[arrayName || ""];
if(arr && arr[arrayIndex]) {
return read(path.join("."), arr[arrayIndex]);
} else {
return null;
} else {
// object
if(obj[item]) {
if(path.length === 0) {
return obj[item];
} else {
return read(path.join("."), obj[item]);
} else {
return null;
console.log(read("data.users[0].firstName", object)); // White
console.log(read("data.users[1].firstName", object)); // Black
console.log(read("data.test.users[0]", object)); // null
The idea is to pass your path as a string along with your object. The idea was to prevent the throwing of an exception and receive just null as result of the path is wrong. The good thing is that the function works with every path and you don't need to write long if statements.

Simple JavaScript Selector

Using pure JavaScript without any library like jQuery, how could I detect if a variable holds a DOM Class or ID?
For example if I pass into a function a value that could be...
var mySelector = ".class-name";
var mySelector = "#id-name";
Then based on if mySelector holds a Class or ID I would run
What would be the best way to do this without the use of a library like jQuery or another library?
Take a look at document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll, instead. Both of those can find elements by ID or class (as well as other selectors). querySelector will return 1 element, querySelectorAll will return all elements.
var mySelector = ".class-name", // "#id-name" will also work fine.
elements = document.querySelectorAll(mySelector);
Note that this doesn't work in IE < 8 (see A polyfill would be the best way to handle it to add IE7 support.
You can use this simple if/else statement to differentiate. This would also allow you to run other code based on whether it's a class or an ID you are referencing.
var mySelector = ".class-name";
if(mySelector.charAt(0) == ".")
else if(mySelector.charAt(0) == "#")
The first way I think is check a first symbol of stroke.
Something like:
var $ = function( string ) {
var result;
switch (string.substr(0,1)) {
case '.': result = document.getElementsByClassName(string); break;
case '#': result = document.getElementById(string); break;
default: result = document.getElementsByTagName(string); break;
return result;
var mySelector = ".class-name";
console.log( $(mySelector) );
Just because you only want a selector and not the entire jQuery library, doesn't mean you have to roll your own own. jQuery uses the Sizzle selector engine, and you could just as easily use it yourself without the overhead of full jQuery:
I'm not an advanced user, but some time ago I created this little script:
var __;
__ = function(selector, filter) {
'use strict';
var response;
function filtering(selectors, filter) {
switch (filter) {
case "first":
return selectors[0];
case "last":
return selectors[selectors.length - 1];
return selectors[filter];
selector = selector.trim();
if (typeof filter === "string") { filter = filter.trim(); }
if (selector.indexOf(' ') < 0 && selector.indexOf('.', 1) < 0 && selector.indexOf('#', 1) < 0) {
switch (selector.substr(0, 1)) {
case '.':
response = document.getElementsByClassName(selector.substr(1));
if (response.length === 1) { filter = "first"; }
if (typeof filter !== "undefined") { response = filtering(response, filter) }
case '#':
response = document.getElementById(selector.substr(1));
response = document.getElementsByTagName(selector);
if (response.length === 1) { filter = "first"; }
if (typeof filter !== "undefined") { response = filtering(response, filter) }
} else {
if (typeof filter !== "undefined") {
switch (filter) {
case "first":
response = document.querySelector(selector);
case "last":
response = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
response = response[response.length - 1];
response = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
response = response[filter];
} else {
response = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (response.length === 1) { response = response[0]; }
else if (response.length < 1) { response = false; }
return response;
It's simple to use it:
Or passing some filter like:
__("div", "first")
I didn't make a benchmark test with it. I hope it can help you.

