How to Create Protected Object Properties in JavaScript - javascript

Is there a JavaScript pattern which mimics "Protected" object properties like what you see in languages like C++ ??
Basically, I'd like to create an Object A which has a number of "protected" object properties which can be accessed ONLY from methods which are defined from the prototype of Object A. i.e. - NOT accessible publicly from non-prototyped methods of A.
For instance, ideally would be like so:
function A(){
var prop1 = 1;
A.prototype.myFunc = function(){
var newVar = this.prop1; //newVar now is equivalent to 1
var instanceOfA = new A();
var newVar2 = instanceOfA.prop1; //error given as prop1 is "protected"; hence undefined in this case
BTW - I do not want the pattern of privileged member functions accessing private properties since the member function is still public.

There is no object property that can only be accessed from prototyped methods of A and not from non-prototyped methods of A. The language doesn't have that type of feature and I'm not aware of any work-around/hack to implement it.
Using Doug Crockford's methods, you can create member properties that can only be accessed from predefined non-prototyped methods (those defined in the constructor). So, if you're trying to limit access only to a predefined set of methods, this will accomplish that. Other than that, I think you're out of luck.
If you want other ideas, you'd probably get more help if you describe more about what you're actually trying to accomplish in your code rather than just how to emulate a feature in another language. Javascript is so much different than C++ that it's better to start from the needs of the problem rather than try to find an analogy to some C++ feature.

You cannot do it in Javascript.

I found a way for creating protected members. Therefor I call the base constructor and return an object with the protected members at the same time:
var protected =;
Here an example:
function SignedIntegerArray(size)
var public = this;
var protected = {};
// private property:
var _maxSize = 10000;
// protected property:
protected.array = [];
// public property:
public.Length = size;
if(!isInteger(size) || size < 0 || size > _maxSize) { throw "argument exception"; }
for(var index = 0; index != size; index++) { protected.array[index] = 0; }
// private method:
function isInteger(i) { return i == i + 0 && i == ~~i; }
// protected method:
protected.checkIndex = function(index) { return index >= 0 && index < size; }
// public methods:
public.SetValue = function(index, value) { if(protected.checkIndex(index) && isInteger(value)) { protected.array[index] = value; } };
public.GetValue = function(index) { if(protected.checkIndex(index)) { return protected.array[index]; } else { throw "index out of range exception"; }}
return protected;
function FloatArray(size, range)
var public = this;
var protected =, size); // call the base constructor and get the protected members
// new private method, "isInteger" is hidden...
function isFloat(argument) { return argument != ~~argument; }
// ...but "checkIndex" is accessible
public.SetValue = function(index, value) { if(protected.checkIndex(index) && isFloat(value) && value >= public.MinValue && value <= public.MaxValue) { protected.array[index] = value; } };
// new public properties:
public.MinValue = -range;
public.MaxValue = range;
return protected; // for sub-classes
function newObject(className, args) { return new function() { className.apply(this, args)}} // you need to use or function.apply to initialize an object. otherwise the protected-object is empty.
window.addEventListener("load", function()
var o = newObject(FloatArray, [4, 50.0]);
o.SetValue(3, 2.1);
console.log(o.Length); // property from the base-class

This is probably what you're looking for:

function ClassA(init)
var protected = {};
protected.prop = init * 10;
if(this.constructor != ClassA) { return protected; }
function ClassB()
var protected =, 5); //console.log(protected.prop);
//var a = new ClassA(123);
//var b = new ClassB();

I was interested to find a way to answer your question, and here's what I was able to do.
You'll need this helper:
var ProtectedHandler = (function () {
/// <Sumarry>
/// Tool to handle the protected members of each inheritance.
/// </Summary>
/// <param name="current">Current protected variable.</param>
/// <param name="args">The arguments variable of the object.</param>
/// <param name="callback">The function to initialise the variable in the 'object'.</param>
/// <param name="isParent">Is this the ultimate base object.</param>
function ProtectedHandler(current, args, callback, isParent) {
this.child = getChild(args);
if (callback)
this.callback = callback;
if (isParent)
// Get the ProtectedHandler from the arguments
var getChild = function (args) {
var child = null;
if (args.length > 0 && (child = args[args.length - 1]) && child.constructor === ProtectedHandler)
return child;
// Chain Initialise the protected variable of the object and its inheritances.
ProtectedHandler.prototype.overrideChild = function (newValue) {
if (this.callback != null) {
if (this.child != null) {
// Static function to create a new instance of the protectedHandler object.
ProtectedHandler.handle = function (protected, arguments, callback, isParent) {
return new ProtectedHandler(protected, arguments, callback, isParent);
return ProtectedHandler;
This helper will allow you to handle multiple inheritances. The trick is to copy the protected variable from the base object to your new object (child).
To prove you it's working, here's an example:
// That's the default extends function from typescript (ref:
var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
__.prototype = b.prototype;
d.prototype = new __();
var BaseClass = (function () {
function BaseClass() {
// Members
var private = {},
protected = {},
public = this;
// Constructor
ProtectedHandler.handle(protected, arguments, function () {
protected.type = "BaseClass";
}, true);
// Methods
protected.saySomething = function () {
return "Hello World";
public.getType = function () {
return protected.type;
return BaseClass;
var Person = (function (_super) {
__extends(Person, _super);
function Person(name) {
// Members
var private = {},
protected = {},
// Constructor = this, ProtectedHandler.handle(protected, arguments, function (p) {
protected = p; //This is required to copy the object from its base object. = name;
protected.type = "Person";
public.getName = function () {
public.saySomething = function () {
return protected.saySomething();
return Person;
var Child = (function (_super) {
__extends(Child, _super);
function Child(name) {
// Members
var private = {},
protected = {},
// Constructor = this, name, ProtectedHandler.handle(protected, arguments, function (p) {
protected = p; //This is required to copy the object from its base object.
protected.type = "Child";
public.setName = function (value) {
return = value;
return Child;
And here's the tests:
var testBase = new BaseClass();
testBase.getType(); //"BaseClass"
testBase.saySomething; //undefined
var testPerson = new Person("Nic");
testPerson.getType(); //"Person"
testPerson.saySomething(); //"Hello World"; //undefined
testPerson.getName() //"Nic"
testPerson.setName; //undefined
var testChild = new Child("Bob");
testChild.getType(); //"Child"
testChild.saySomething(); //"Hello World"; //undefined
testChild.getName(); //"Bob"
testChild.getName(); //"George"

There is a pattern that I have come to like that does not work the same way as protected access does in most languages, but provides a similar benefit.
Basically, use a builder method to create a closure for properties, and then have that method create a "full" object with liberal access as well as an "exposed" object with more limited access. Place the exposed object into a property of the full object, and return that full object to the caller.
The caller can then make use of the full object (and pass that to other appropriate collaborators), but provide only the exposed object to collaborators that should have the more restricted access.
A contrived example…
// Ring employs a typical private/public pattern while
// RingEntry employs a private/exposed/full access pattern.
function buildRing( size ) {
var i
, head = buildRingEntry( 0 )
, newEntry;
head.setNext( head );
for( i = size - 1; i ; i-- ) {
newEntry = buildRingEntry( i );
newEntry.setNext( head.getNext() );
head.setNext( newEntry );
function getHead() { return; }
return {
getHead : getHead
function buildRingEntry( index ) {
var next
, exposed
function getIndex() { return index; }
function setNext( newNext ) { next = newNext; }
function getNextFullEntry() { return next; }
function getNextExposedEntry() { return; }
exposed = {
getIndex : getIndex
, getNext : getNextExposedEntry
return {
getIndex : getIndex
, setNext : setNext
, getNext : getNextFullEntry
, exposed : exposed
If we use that to build a ring of 4 entries ring = buildRing(4);, then ring.getHead().getIndex() gives us 0, ring.getHead().getNext().getIndex() gives us 1, ring.getHead().getNext().getNext().getIndex() gives us 2, etc.
If we try to execute ring.getHead().setNext({}) or ring.getHead().getNext().setNext({}), however, we get an error because setNext is not a property of an exposed entry object.
Since this is in the family of patterns that build the methods again in a new closure for each new object, it is not suitable for situations in which a very high volume of instantiation may be needed.

Take a look at workaround proposed by Maks on his website: Emulating protected members in JavaScript
It emulates protected access level to methods and properties of an object.


How to achieve privacy for value saved in `this` in constructor function?

What options do I have to achieve privacy on values I need to save in this in a constructor function? For example, a simple Stack implementation:
function Stack(){
this._stack = {}
this._counter = 0
Stack.prototype.push = function (item){
this._stack[this._counter++] = item
return this
Stack.prototype.pop = function (){
Reflect.deleteProperty(this._stack, --this._counter);
return this
Stack.prototype.peek = function (){
return this._stack[this._counter - 1]
Stack.prototype.length = function (){
return Object.values(this._stack).length
If these methods are not defined as prototype methods, I can easily private them like this:
function Stack(){
let _stack = {}
let _counter = 0
this.push = function (item){
_stack[_counter++] = item
return this
this.pop = function (){
Reflect.deleteProperty(_stack, --_counter);
return this
this.peek = function (){
return _stack[_counter - 1]
this.length = function (){
return Object.values(_stack).length
This way _stack and _counter are not exposed, but then these methods are not on prototype chain.
Is it possible to achieve privacy, while the protected values are saved in this?
Here is an example of using private fields. You can make them static with the static keyword, but that is not necessary in this example.
class test {
#lol = 29;
#mas = 15;
constructor() {
return {
value: this.#lol - this.#mas
console.log(new test().value); // --> 16
MDN provides an example of private properties in their Keyed collections guide.
WeakMap object
The WeakMap object is a collection of key/value pairs in which
the keys are objects only and the values can be arbitrary values.
The object references in the keys are held weakly, meaning that they
are a target of garbage collection (GC) if there is no other reference
to the object anymore. The WeakMap API is the same as the Map API.
One difference to Map objects is that WeakMap keys are not
enumerable (i.e., there is no method giving you a list of the keys).
If they were, the list would depend on the state of garbage
collection, introducing non-determinism.
For more information and example code, see also "Why WeakMap?" on
the WeakMap reference page.
One use case of WeakMap objects is to store private data for an
object, or to hide implementation details. The following example is
from Nick Fitzgerald's blog post "Hiding Implementation Details with
ECMAScript 6 WeakMaps". The private data and methods belong inside
the object and are stored in the privates WeakMap object.
Everything exposed on the instance and prototype is public; everything
else is inaccessible from the outside world because privates is
not exported from the module.
const privates = new WeakMap();
function Public() {
const me = {
// Private data goes here
privates.set(this, me);
Public.prototype.method = function () {
const me = privates.get(this);
// Do stuff with private data in `me`...
module.exports = Public;
Applied to your scenario this could look like this:
const Stack = (function () {
const privates = new WeakMap();
function Stack() {
privates.set(this, { stack: {}, counter: 0 });
Stack.prototype.push = function (item) {
const _ = privates.get(this);
_.stack[_.counter++] = item;
return this;
Stack.prototype.pop = function () {
const _ = privates.get(this);
Reflect.deleteProperty(_.stack, --_.counter);
return this;
Stack.prototype.peek = function () {
const _ = privates.get(this);
return _.stack[_.counter - 1];
Stack.prototype.length = function () {
const _ = privates.get(this);
return Object.values(_.stack).length;
return Stack;
This answer does not create private properties. However if the intent of the question is to prevent a user from accidentally accessing "private" properties or to prevent property conflict you can use symbols.
A property conflict happens when your function expects property A, while a library (or any other code) also expects property A but for another purpose.
const Stack = (function () {
const stack = Symbol("_stack");
const counter = Symbol("_counter");
function Stack() {
this[stack] = {};
this[counter] = 0;
Stack.prototype.push = function (item) {
this[stack][this[counter]++] = item;
return this;
Stack.prototype.pop = function () {
Reflect.deleteProperty(this[stack], --this[counter]);
return this;
Stack.prototype.peek = function () {
return this[stack][this[counter] - 1];
Stack.prototype.length = function () {
return Object.values(this[stack]).length;
return Stack;
The above code does not prevent a user from accessing the properties, but makes it somewhat hard. You could still access them using the following code:
const stack = new Stack();
const [_stack, _counter] = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(stack);
stack[_stack] // gives access to the stack
stack[_counter] // gives access to the counter
Symbol properties are excluded from a lot of common functions like Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.entries(), and also from loops.
I created a function that has access to private data and returns a function with a closure containing methods for working with them (keeps everything in one place) external functions serve only as a kind of pointers to the internal functions of the provider.
class Stack{
this.provider = this.provider('init', this)
provider(type, args){
const state = {}
if (type === 'init'){
state._stack = [];
state._counter = 0;
state.this = args;
return function (type, args) {
case 'push':
return _push(args)
case 'pop':
return _pop()
case 'peek':
return _peek()
case 'length':
return _length()
function _push(item){
return state.this
function _pop(){
const item = state._stack.pop()
return state.this
function _peek(){
return state._stack[state._stack.length-1]
function _length(){
return Object.values(state._stack).length
return this.provider('push', item)
return this.provider('pop')
return this.provider('peek')
return this.provider('length')
s = new Stack();
g = new Stack();
console.log('length s:', s.length()) // 3
s.pop(/* 3 */).pop(/* 2*/)
s.pop(/* 1 */)
console.log('length s:', s.length()) // 0
g.push('a').push('b').push('c').pop(/* c */).push('d')
g.pop(/* d */)
console.log('g.peek()', g.peek(), /* b */)
g.pop(/* b */)
g.pop(/* a */)
console.log('length g:', g.length()) // 0

Class inheritance and private variables in JS

Say I have this code:
function ParentClass()
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what)
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass()
SecondSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
SecondSubClass.prototype.constructor = SecondSubClass;
function SecondSubClass()
When I run new FirstSubClass() I see a single value array in the console. And when I run new SecondSubClass(), again, I see a single value array.
However, why is it when I run them again (i.e. new FirstSubClass(); new SecondSubClass();) I then see the arrays added to rather than new ones being created?
The rationale here is that I'm creating new instances of a class, therefore why are they sharing the same private property?
How can I avoid this so when I do, for e.g., new FirstSubClass() I then see a single value array no matter how many times I create a new instance of the class?
Keep in mind that you've only called new ParentClass() once for each subclass. That means that the private array variable is part of the prototype object for those subclasses. There's only one prototype object, so there's only one array (per subclass).
Each call to new FirstSubClass() generates a new instance that shares the same prototype object. The call to addToArray() therefore adds an element to that same array that was created when the prototype object was created.
edit — if you want per-instance arrays, you'd have to do something like this:
function ParentClass() {
this.addToArray = function(value) { this.instanceArray.push(value); };
function FirstSubClass() {
this.instanceArray = [];
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
First, sub-classing in JS is typically a bad idea, because people think that they're getting extension, where every instance has its own copy of properties and methods...
...really, they're getting public static access to the parent's stuff.
Even better, that public static stuff has no access to the encapsulated variables, so there's really no manipulation of private data, unless you're using private functions (with a public interface) to pass data to and collect return values from, the public static stuff.
var Parent = function () {
this.static_prop = 0;
this.static_method = function (num) { this.static_prop += 1; return num + this.static_prop; };
var Child = function (num) {
this.public_func = function () { num = this.static_method(num); };
Child.prototype = new Parent();
var child = new Child(13);
Just calling this.static_method wouldn't help, because it would have 0 access to num, which means that you're wrapping things which you inherited to grant them access to use private data as inputs, which means that you're doing most of the writing you'd be doing anyway, regardless of inheritance, because your expectations of .prototype were backwards.
Might I suggest Dependency Injection, instead?
Component-based programs?
var Iterator = function () {
var count = 0,
min = 0,
max = 0,
reset = function () { count = min; },
next = function () { count = count >= max ? min : count; return count += 1; },
set_min = function (val) { min = val; },
set_max = function (val) { max = val; },
public_interface = { reset : reset, count : count, set_min : set_min, set_max : set_max };
return public_interface;
Thing = function (iter) {
var arr = [],
currentObj = null,
nextObj = function () {
currentObj = arr[];
add = function (obj) {
arr.push(obj); iter.set_max(arr.length);
public_interface = { next : nextObj, add : add };
return public_interface;
var thing = Thing(Iterator());
It's a convoluted example, but now every instance is going to be given exactly what it needs to do its job (because the constructor requires it -- or you can add the dependency later, through a public method, or as a public-property).
The interfaces for each module can now also get as simple and as clean as you'd like, as you don't have to wrap unexpected static-helpers to get private data...
Now you know what's private, you know what you're extending to the public, and you have clean ins and outs wherever you want to put them.
You are only constructing a new instance of ParentClass once per subclass and that is to apply it to your prototype. If you want each instance to have its own copy of the private array and its own copy of the function "addToArray" you will need to invoke the ParentClass constructor function within your other objects constructors:
function ParentClass(){
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what){
FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass(){
//call the parents constructor where "this" points to your FirstSubClass instance this );
SecondSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
SecondSubClass.prototype.constructor = SecondSubClass;
function SecondSubClass(){ this );
try this:
function ParentClass()
var anArray = [ ];
this.addToArray = function(what)
document.getElementById("i").value = anArray;
//FirstSubClass.prototype = new ParentClass();
FirstSubClass.prototype.constructor = FirstSubClass;
function FirstSubClass()
this.parent = new ParentClass()
var q = new FirstSubClass();
var r = new FirstSubClass();
All Subclasses share the same parent class, thus the same private anArray
The solution is to use the Mixin pattern.
// I have the habbit of starting a mixin with $
var $AddToArray = function(obj) {
var array = [];
obj.addToArray = function(what) {
var FirstClass = function() {
var SecondClass = function() {

Static variables with John Resig's simple class pattern?

I'm referring to this article.
In it, he defines a function that looks something like this:
function makeClass() {
return function _class() {
if(this instanceof _class) {
if(typeof this.init === 'function') {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
throw new Error('Constructor called as a function');
And then you can use it with something like this:
var MyClass = makeClass();
MyClass.prototype = {
init: function(width, height) { ... },
clear: function(ctx) {... },
draw: function(ctx) { ... }
But now I want to initialize some static variables that should be shared across all instances. How do I do that?
Well, the easiest approach is to define a static variable as a prototype property: 3, // ...
var t1 = new MyClass();
console.log(; // 3
... but it won't behave as static properties in other languages usually do:
var t2 = new MyClass(); = 5;
console.log(; // still 3 :(
The other way around is to use the fact that properties might be attached to functions as well: = 3;
... but that narrows the ways we can use this property (it can't be called by from the previous examples).
There's another way, though. One can define static properties as variables, local to init method, accessible by methods, defined... in this init method as well. ) Like this.
init: function() {
var xxx = 3;
MyClass.prototype.getXXX = function() {
return xxx;
MyClass.prototype.setXXX = function(newXXX) {
xxx = newXXX;
Then all one can use this property simply by this:
var t1 = new MyClass();
var t2 = new MyClass();
console.log(t1.getXXX()); // 3
console.log(t2.getXXX()); // 3
console.log(t1.getXXX()); // 5 now
console.log(t2.getXXX()); // 5 as well, behold the power of closures!
And here's a fiddle used.
UPDATE: this approach is better be used, I suppose, when we need to work with a (sort of) container of the static class data, that is to be shared by all objects - but we don't know exactly what can actually be stored in this container. Then we use just two functions - getStatic and setStatic - to store and retrieve data by string keys or some other identifiers. It may seem a bit confusing, and it is, but I think it may be worth an effort. )
Just add it to MyClass itself.
MyClass.myVariable = 42;
It's not really static in the Java/C# sense, but gives you the same effect.
I "solved" this problem by using a naming convention.
I wanted the convenience of the Class.extend({ }) syntax, but also a way to declare "static" properties within it.
I opted for a leading underscore to declare a static property, although you could do whatever you liked.
var myClass = Class.extend({
_staticProperty: 1337
, instanceProperty: 'foo'
, instanceMethod: function() { }
, ctor: function() {
note I've renamed init and this._super() from the original code
And the code:
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* Modified by Andrew Bullock to add static properties
* By John Resig
* MIT Licensed.
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
(function () {
var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function () { xyz; }) ? /\bbase\b/ : /.*/;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
this.Class = function () { };
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function (prop) {
var base = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
initializing = false;
// The dummy class constructor
function Class() {
// All construction is actually done in the ctor method
if (!initializing && this.ctor)
this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);
// Copy static properties from base
for (var name in this) {
if (name.substr(0, 1) == '_')
Class[name] = this[name];
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (name in prop) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
if (typeof prop[name] == "function" && typeof base[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name])) {
prototype[name] = (function(name, fn) {
return function() {
var tmp = this.base;
// Add a new .base() method that is the same method
// but on the super-class
this.base = base[name];
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
// remove it when we're done executing
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this.base = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, prop[name]);
} else if (name.substr(0, 1) == '_') {
Class[name] = prop[name];
} else {
prototype[name] = prop[name];
// Populate our constructed prototype object
Class.prototype = prototype;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
// And make this class extendable
Class.extend = arguments.callee;
return Class;
If you don't care about browser support, you could also use a WeakMap of constructor/static properties pairs. Here's the idea: This requires MyClass.prototype.constructor, which you should not discard. So, you'd need to add back constructor: MyClass to the prototype.
var statics = (function() {
var map = new WeakMap;
return function(inst) {
var ctor = inst.constructor;
return map.get(ctor) || map.set(ctor, {});
Use it like:
var a = function() {};
var b = function() {};
var inst1 = new a;
var inst2 = new a;
var inst3 = new b;
statics(inst1).foo = 123;
statics(inst3).foo = 456;
console.log( statics(inst1).foo ); // 123
console.log( statics(inst2).foo ); // 123
console.log( statics(inst3).foo ); // 456
I've modified John Resig's class to provide copy over the parent's static members to the new class, which adds this:
for (var name in this) {
if (!Class[name]) {
Class[name] = this[name];
Here's a fiddle.
// This is a modified version of John Resig's simple inheritence class to add copying of static methods
// The new code is the for loop commented with "add in the static members"
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig
* MIT Licensed.
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
this.Class = function(){};
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function(prop) {
var _super = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (var name in prop) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
(function(name, fn){
return function() {
var tmp = this._super;
// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
// but on the super-class
this._super = _super[name];
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
// remove it when we're done executing
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, prop[name]) :
// The dummy class constructor
function Class() {
// All construction is actually done in the init method
if ( !initializing && this.init )
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
// Populate our constructed prototype object
Class.prototype = prototype;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
//add in the static members
for (var name in this) {
if (!Class[name]) {
Class[name] = this[name];
// And make this class extendable
Class.extend = arguments.callee;
return Class;
function addText(text) {
document.getElementById('greetings').innerHTML = document.getElementById("greetings").innerHTML + '<br>' + text;
//parent class with a prototype method and two static methods
var Parent = Class.extend({
hello: function () {
Parent.static = function() {
Parent.overrideStatic = function() {
//child class that overrides one of the parent's static methods
var Child = Parent.extend();
Child.overrideStatic = function() {
var parent = new Parent();
var child = new Child();
child.hello(); //should output parent.hello
Child.static(); //should output Parent.static
<div id="greetings"></div>
Pass in an optional list of static members in the call to 'extend'. This method adds the static properties (if any) to a 'statics' attribute on the constructor function.
Code Changes
Changes as follows. These lines added just after the 'dummy class constructor' code:
if(staticProp) {
Class.statics = [];
for (var name in staticProp) {
!Class.statics[name] && (Class.statics[name] = staticProp[name]);
An additional argument 'staticProp' added when type is declared in order to allow introduction of static members at this stage:
Class.extend = function(prop,staticProp) {
A fiddle can be found here, includes some tests.
Usage Examples
Can define statics at type declaration time like so using the second optional constructor argument:
var A = Class.extend({},{myStatic:1});
Can access/define statics inside an instance method:
var B = Class.extend({test:function(){B.statics.myStatic=2;}});
Or from outside an instance:
Example with requirejs:
Put Class.js in the baseUrl folder. Example new class definition. Not mandatory to name the file of the new class the same as the 'var C' (i.e. C.js) but probably better for readability so references to the C name within the class's methods are aligned to any external references to its static members:
define(['Class'],function($) {
var C = Class.extend({
init: function(params){
C.statics.myStatic++; // access static data
myStatic: 123
return C;
Another class in D.js refers to static data in class C:
define(['Class', 'C'],function($,C) {
var D = Class.extend({
init: function(params){
C.statics.myStatic++; // static data of another class
return D;

Override privileged method of base class

How can I go about making a child class override a privileged method of a base class?
If its not possible, is there another way to achieve what I am trying to accomplish in the simple code example below?
I cannot convert the baseclass function parseXML() to public because it requires access to private variables
function BaseClass()
var map = {};
// I cannot make this function public BECAUSE it accesses & changes private variables
this.parseXML = function( key, value )
map[key] = value;
function ChildClass()
this.parseXML = function( key, value, otherData )
// How can I call the base class function parseXML()?
//this.parseXML(); // calls this function not the parent function
//, key, value); // fails
//BaseClass.prototype.parseXML(); // fails
// perform specialised actions here with otherData
ChildClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
var a = new ChildClass();
function BaseClass() {
var map = {};
this.parseXML = function(key, value) {
map[key] = value;
function ChildClass() {;
var parseXML = this.parseXML;
this.parseXML = function(key, value, otherData) {
alert("ChildClass()::parseXML()");, key, value);
ChildClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
var a = new ChildClass();
Live Example
Basically you cache the privileged method (which is only defined on the object) and then call it inside the new function you assign to the privileged method name.
However a more elegant solution would be:
function BaseClass() {
this._map = {};
BaseClass.prototype.parseXML = function(key, value) {
this._map[key] = value;
function ChildClass() {;
ChildClass.prototype = Object.create(BaseClass.prototype);
ChildClass.prototype.parseXML = function(key, value, otherData) {
alert("ChildClass()::parseXML()");, key, value);
var a = new ChildClass();
Live Example
Also bonus implementation using pd
IMO, you need to use a Javascript library like Ext Js to simplify this task. Anyway, the following example illustrates how you can write some helper methods. It's a part of an unreleased open source project that I'm working on.
var JWObject = (function () {
var jwobj = function (){};
jwobj.prototype = { };
return jwobj;
var Prototype = (function () {
var scopeQueue = [ window ];
return {
beginScope: function (namespace) {
var parts = namespace.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var name = parts[i],
parent = this.getScope(),
part = parent[name];
if (part && !part.__namespace) {
throw Error('/* ERROR MESSAGE */');
scopeQueue.push(parent[name] = (part || { __namespace: true }));
endScope: function () {
if (scopeQueue.length > 1) {
getScope: function () {
return scopeQueue.pick();
define: function (name, members) {
var scope = this.getScope();
if (scope[name]) {
throw Error('The prototype already exist.');
this.extend(members, {
scope: scope,
extend: JWObject,
statics: {}
// Getting constructor
var ctor = (members.constructor === Object) ? function() { } : members.constructor;
delete members.constructor;
if (typeof members.extend === 'string') {
members.extend = scope[members.extend];
if (!members.extend) {
throw Error('The base class is not specified.');
// Deriving from parent type
ctor.prototype = new members.extend();
members.super = members.extend.prototype;
delete members.extend;
members.statics.__class = true;
this.extend(ctor, members.statics, true);
delete members.statics;
// Adding new members
this.extend(ctor.prototype, members, true);
// Adding and returning the created prototype
return scope[name] = ctor;
extend: function (expando, members, override) {
for (var m in members) {
if (override || !expando[m]) {
expando[m] = members[m];
Prototype.extend(Array.prototype, {
pick: function() {
return this[this.length - 1];
Here is the result:
* Prototype: Sample.Plugin
Prototype.define('Plugin', {
init: function() {
* Prototype: Sample.Extensions.Plugin
* Extend : Sample.Plugin
Prototype.define('Foo', {
extend: Sample.Plugin,
init: function() {;
alert('child: init!');
fun: function() {
statics: {
create: function() {
return new Sample.Extension.Foo();
As you can see in the preceding code, the Prototype object provides some functionality to defining a namespace (Prototype.beginScope, Prototype.endScope and Prototype.getScope) or defining a prototype (Prototype.define).
You can inherit a prototype from another using extend like java.
Prototype.define('Foo', {
extend: Sample.Plugin,
Or call the base class method as follows:
init: function() {;
Also, every prototype you define with above code will be derived from JWObject by default.

declaring protected variable in javascript

How do i declare protected variable. Let me give an example here
// Constructor
function Car(){
// Private Variable
var model;
// Public variable
Car.prototype.price = "5 Lakhs";
// Subtype
function Indiancar(){
// Prototype chaining
Indiancar.prototype = new Car();
// Instantiating Superclass object
var c = new Car();
// Instantiating subclass object
var ic = new Indiancar();
in this I would like to have a variable that is accessible as ic.variabl that is also present in car class.
You would do something like this:
var Base = function()
var somePrivateVariable = 'Hello World';
this.GetVariable = function()
return somePrivateVariable;
this.SetVariable = function(newText)
somePrivateVariable = newText;
var Derived = function()
Derived.prototype = new Base();
var instance = new Derived();
Assuming I understood your question correctly.
EDIT: Updating with true 'private' variable.
There is a way to define protected variables in JavaScript:
A constructor function in javascript may return any object (not necesserily this). One could create a constructor function, that returns a proxy object, that contains proxy methods to the "real" methods of the "real" instance object. This may sound complicated, but it is not; here is a code snippet:
var MyClass = function() {
var instanceObj = this;
var proxyObj = {
myPublicMethod: function() {
return instanceObj.myPublicMethod.apply(instanceObj, arguments);
return proxyObj;
MyClass.prototype = {
_myPrivateMethod: function() {
myPublicMethod: function() {
The nice thing is that the proxy creation can be automated, if we define a convention for naming the protected methods. I created a little library that does exactly this:
As has been said, javascript doesn't have protected variables.
In the 10 years since this question was written, Typescript has become a thing, and people interested in OOP in javascript should check it out! It does support protected variables.
That said, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring and provide a method for emulating protected variables using plain javascript, since this is a top Google search result and the top-voted answer as of writing doesn't really fit the bill.
// Declare objects within an anonymous function to limit access.
var objectRefs = (function() {
// This is the object we want to inherit from.
function Base(param1, _protected) {
var _public = this;
var _protected = _protected || {};
var _private = {};
// Declare some variables
_public.shared = "Anyone can access this!";
_protected.inherited = "This is protected";
_private.secretVar = "Children cannot access this.";
// Let's try a few functions. = function() {
// We can access protected and private functions here. This would
// not be possible if we attached it to the prototype.
}; = function() {
// One thing to watch out for: private functions called after
// construction do NOT have access to the object via 'this'. This is
// masked by the fact that I assigned it to the '_public' var.
// More reading:
_private.secret = function() {
// The same warning in applies here too.
// Inherits from Base
function Derived(param1, _protected) {
var _public = this;
var _protected = _protected || {};
var _private = {};
// Inherit (ready for the magic?), param1, _protected);
// Since we passed a reference to the "_protected" object as an argument
// to the Base object, it has been attaching all of its protected
// variables to it. We can now access those variables here:
// Outputs "This is protected"
// We can also access protected functions:;
// We can even override protected variables and functions.
_protected.inherited = "New value!";
// We cannot access private variables belonging to Base.
// This fails:
// console.log(_private.secretVar);
// We don't want to allow public access to the constructors, because this
// would let outside code pass in a '_protected' var. Instead, we create new
// objects that accept all params minus '_protected', and inherit from the
// target object.
return {
Base: function(param1) {, param1);
Derived: function(param1) {, param1);
// Assign the constructors to variables for clarity.
var Base = objectRefs.Base;
var Derived = objectRefs.Derived;
// This is how you construct the object.
var newDerived = new Derived("param1");
// Public functions are accessible.;
// Protected functions are not. These fail:
So that was fun! This structure makes protected variables function the way you'd expect: inheriting objects can access them, but they're inaccessible from the outside.
For reference, here's what the above code looks like in Typescript:
class Base
// Declare some variables
public shared: string = "Anyone can access this!";
protected inherited: string = "This is protected";
private secretVar: string = "Children cannot access this.";
constructor(param1: string) {
// We're not using param1; it's only there as an example.
// If we didn't need any constructor code, we could leave this out.
// Note that Typescript has type checking (hence the name)
// Let's try a few functions.
public foo(): void {
protected bar(): void {
private secret(): void {
class Derived extends Base {
constructor(param1: string) {
// Outputs "This is protected"
// We can also access protected functions:;
// We can even override protected variables and functions.
this.inherited = "New value!";
// This is how you construct the object.
var newDerived = new Derived("param1");
// Public functions are accessible.;
// Protected functions are not. This fails:
Structurally, this is much clearer. As you're coding, you'll be given an error if you try to access a protected variable from outside the object.
But be aware: if you need the compiled javascript to limit outside access to those variables, Typescript won't do that for you. Here's what the compiled output looks like:
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var Base = (function () {
function Base(param1) {
this.shared = "Anyone can access this!";
this.inherited = "This is protected";
this.secretVar = "Children cannot access this.";
} = function () {
}; = function () {
Base.prototype.secret = function () {
return Base;
var Derived = (function (_super) {
__extends(Derived, _super);
function Derived(param1) {
var _this =, param1) || this;
_this.inherited = "New value!";
return _this;
return Derived;
var newDerived = new Derived("param1");;
As you can see, not only are the protected variables public, but so are the private ones!
If you need encapsulation in the browser, then you'll have to stick with workarounds like I outlined in the first chunk of code. If you're using encapsulation to help you reason about the code, Typescript is the way to go.

