Graph drawing libraries using Raphael [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for javascript libraries that draw graphs using the Raphael library.
Until now I've found these ones:
Graph Dracula
Is anyone using them? Do you know their pros/cons?
Do you know other libraries using Raphael?
Please note: By graph, I mean a set of nodes and edges, we are not talking about charting.
edit: I need a library based on Raphael as it offers compatibility with IE6+, while other libraries draw on HTML5 Canvas and this is not supported by old browsers

EXT.JS is not free, but worth it.

Try Google Visualization API Gadget Gallery
Its Playground link is
Google provides API to load the flash based interactive graphs. I would consider this to better than the three option discovered because of its easy to use APIs and rich collection of graphs and last but not least rich look.


How to add charts to a React.js app without using a totally different coding style? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a charting library that jives with how React.js asks you to do things? It seems like the chart should be a component.
D3.js seems to be the most powerful charting library out there, but it requires a lot of direct DOM work, which is the exact opposite of React.
Would there be a way to get those two libraries to play nice with each other? If not, is there an alternative to D3 that does work well with React?
Checkout high charts react library.
From personal experience, I have found that by far the best way to render charts in RN is via a WebView. I worked on a cross-platform solution for messaging between RN and the WebView:
Alternatively, you may want to look into ReactART, which is unfortunately generally undocumented when it comes to using it in ReactNative. It does have a very strong relationship with RN, though it does not have all of the functionality of traditional vector rendering libraries. Take a look:

Is there some SVG processor? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am searching for a cross-browser client-side library to build SVG a similar way SASS/LESS/SCSS build CSS.
Do you know something like that?
There is SnapSVG. It is not a preprocessor but Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more.
SnapSVG Demos:
Getting Started with SnapSVG:
SnapSVG Docs:
You're looking for a solution for generating SVGs on the server. Frankly there doesn't seem to be much out there for you.
I did a bit of googling, and the best I came up with was this article which describes using PhantomJS to run the standard client-side libraries on the server. It's not the answer you're looking for, but it's the best I've been able to find.

API for navigating a custom spatial graphic? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Assuming I have location-based 3D graphics (a 3D map) with matched X/Y/Z coordinates. Is there a Web API or library that allows me to build a navigation (rotating, zooming, etc.) application on top of these graphics?
I looked into the Google Earth API, and they indeed provide me with the exact functionality I need. The only drawback is that I cannot replace their graphics with mine. Instead of having an Earth, I want to have a relatively small, but well-detailed, 3D area.
I prefer a solution that uses open Web technologies such as WebGL, and require no-plugins. But I'd love to hear any solutions you might know of.
Not really. There is not a general application need for "Google Earth but not Earth" -- that's more a specific need relating to particular games.
I'd recommend Three.js as a good way to approach this problem.... you'll need to roll your own UI though

Edit HTML5 presentation without coding [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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There are several libraries which allow you to create very sophisticated presentations in web browser:
Google slides
But the only way to edit these presentations is in code. Does anybody know one where the user can make edits on the fly in the browser?
And if so, if it is possible to get a representation of the presentation (i.e. in JSON) that could then be persisted?
Found Aloha Editor in Google, looks like it might do this (I've not tried it), allows you to edit impress.js presentations with WYSIWYG tools, no idea if you can save them but maybe you could save the raw HTML to persist them.
Blog about it:
It is open source and supports Impress, Bespoke and Handout.
Once can easily import/export JSON data.
An in-browser editor was recently released for reveal.js, you can try it here:
Old question, I know, but I was looking for the same today. Found this nice overview article covering tools, editors, libraries and overall technology around browser based presentations.
From the: Salisbury University Library
Presenting Your Research: Browser-Based Presentations

Javascript or other charting library for geodata [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am working with openlayers and wms. But I have seen charting API like:
These APIs generate very nice interface (map based or other) with print option as image or png.
High chart with print option
I found D3 to be rich library but Highcharts is more interactive (I guess).
Which will be the best charting option for visualizing GIS data? Data that are related to region, boundary and not to custom locations and regions. And also with save option available as image or pdf.
I would say that HighCharts would not be useful at this point. The reason being that the map you link to is an alpha version. It is not in the main trunk of the HighCharts codebase.
There are several other methods to do what you want if keeping with javascript/html5 tech:
ArcGIS Javascript
Note that ArcGIS is in no way cheap.

