<img /> inside <a> and SRC - javascript

I'm using this code for showing image inside any tag:
var imgs = $(this).find("p").attr("rel");
$('.hLeft img').attr("src", imgs);
<div class="hLeft">
<a href="" class="mn">
<img src="" />
But when I insert <img> inside a, my script not working.
$('.mn img').attr("src", imgs);
<div class="hLeft">
<a href="" class="mn">
<img src="" />
Why the $('.mn img').attr("src", imgs); not working with a tag?

the img is over written by this line:
$("a", $hleft).html(mansetText);

I think it deals with the css properties of class mn. div are displayed as block by default which is not the case for a. Try to add display:block; in the mn class to see the result.


add specific anchor links a class

How I can add to my anchor links a class?
My html code looks like this:
<div class="et_pb_blurb_content">
<div class="et_pb_main_blurb_image">
<a href="video.mp4">
<span class="et_pb_image_wrap">
<img loading="lazy" width="128" height="128" src="2021/02/cover.png" alt="" class="et-waypoint et_pb_animation_off wp-image-17" />
<div class="et_pb_blurb_container">
<h4 class="et_pb_module_header">
With javascript code I want achieve like this it adds anchor links class:
<div class="et_pb_blurb_content">
<div class="et_pb_main_blurb_image">
<a href="video.mp4" class="vp-a">
<span class="et_pb_image_wrap">
<img loading="lazy" width="128" height="128" src="2021/02/cover.png" alt="" class="et-waypoint et_pb_animation_off wp-image-17" />
<div class="et_pb_blurb_container">
<h4 class="et_pb_module_header">
I use wordpress divi theme and there is not possible add class to anchor video links
Could use something like below:
// grab all the parent items by classname
const linkParents = document.querySelectorAll('.et_pb_module_header');
// iterate over parents
[...linkParents].forEach((parent) => {
// grab the anchor tag from the parent
const link = parent.querySelector('a');
// add your classname to the anchor tag

What is the best practice to navigate instead of Using A Tag In AngularJS?

This is my Profile Block Code:
<div class="avatars-list">
<a href="#" class="avatar-item">
<img src="img/users/user-1.jpg" alt="Avatar" class="img-fluid">
<a href="#" class="avatar-item">
<img src="img/users/user-5.jpg" alt="Avatar" class="img-fluid">
Shall i replace <a> tag with some <div>, <span>
Actually, we can write a function for each item to navigate to a particalar page right!!
try this
on html
<div ng-click="navigate()"></div>
on js
$scope.navigate = function () {
window.location.href = 'http://www.google.com';

How can i change the visibilty of an image placeholder if its src is empty or a parameter?

I'm a trainee and actually I'm working on a web shop.
Now I got the problem that I have multiple images placeholders (image_1-6) for our article images. Problem now is, if the article only has 2 images the placeholders for the other 4 are still there. So is there any possibility to hide them if the src is empty or a parameter defined by me?
Here is the code snippet:
<div class="sideimg grid_2">
<div id="image_1" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild1]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild1]"id=image1 name="Bild1" alt="Bild1" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_2" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild2]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild2]" id=image2 name="Bild2" alt="Bild2" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_3" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild3]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild3]" id=image3 name="Bild3" alt="Bild3" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_4" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild4]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild4]" id=image4 name="Bild4" alt="Bild4" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_5" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild5]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild5]" id=image5 name="Bild5" alt="Bild5" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_6" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild6]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild6]" id=image6 name="Bild6" alt="Bild6" id="Bild2" />
Here is the live version(wip): http://www.ebay.de/itm/Jako-Tape-10-Meter-2-5-cm-breit-Rot-F01-/272269970423?
All I know about html css and js I learned by myself so I hope the snippet is fine.
So as you can see I have 6 images with js image swap. The only left problem is that our database don't contains an image for every placeholder, so if there are only 4 pictures there are still 2 empty boxes. So how can i get rid of them?
Thanks all for your help and excuse my english I'm from Germany.
You can try using the CSS selector for html attributes like this:
(Whatever css u need goes here)
display: block;
display: none;
If any <img> of class lb_detailimg does not have a src attribute it will not be displayed.
You could also use a keyword in the src attribute to make this happen, like this:
(Whatever css u need goes here)
display: none;
As you cannot give style to a parent element in CSS here is a JS snippet that should work fine:
window.onload = function(){
var img_containers = document.getElementsByClassName("lb_thumb");
for(var i=0; i<img_containers.length;i++){
if(img_containers[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src.indexOf("keyword") > -1){
img_containers[i].style.display = "none";
At line 4 in the if ==> .indexOf("yourKeyWordHere")

before img add and close anchor tag using in jquery

I have the following code
<div id="slider">
<img src="images/p1.jpg" />
<img src="images/p2.jpg" />
<img src="images/p3.jpg" />
I want to add <a> before and after the image tag with jQuery. This would be the result:
<div id="slider">
<img src="images/p1.jpg" />
<img src="images/p2.jpg" />
<img src="images/p3.jpg" />
Edit: Details from comments
So far, I have tried like this:
<span class="phone"><img src="malsup.github.io/images/p1.jpg"></span>
<span class="phone"><img src="malsup.github.io/images/p2.jpg"></span>
<span class="phone"><img src="malsup.github.io/images/p3.jpg"></span>
<span class="phone"><img src="malsup.github.io/images/p4.jpg"></span>
i have add like
$('.phone').each(function() {
$(this).wrapInner('<a href="test.php" />');
Additional information from comments
I want to use a different url for each image, like:
<div id="slider">
<img src="images/p1.jpg" />
<img src="images/p2.jpg" />
<img src="images/p3.jpg" />
You can do it using the JQuery wrap() function like so:
var arr = ['https://www.google.com/', 'https://www.yahoo.com/', 'https://www.bing.com/'];
$("#slider img").each(function(index, value){
$(this).wrap("<a href='"+arr[index]+"'></a>");
Here is the JSFiddle demo
Use .wrap()
Wrap an HTML structure around each element in the set of matched elements.
Here you can store different url in custom attributes which can later be used to wrap element.
$('#slider img').wrap(function() {
return $('<a />', {
"href": $(this).data('url'),
"class" : "myClass"
.myClass {
border: 1px solid red
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="slider">
<img src="images/p1.jpg" data-url='facebook.com' />
<img src="images/p2.jpg" data-url='google.com' />
<img src="images/p3.jpg" data-url='example.com' />

Replace an image with another when a different image is hovered on

I am a total noob, so please go easy.
I am trying to replace one image with a second image while hovering on a different element. My problem is that only the first image is being replaced by the link images. I've give each image an ID, I just am not sure how to apply it.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
Here is what I have so far:
function changeimage(towhat,url){
if (document.images){
function warp(){
<script language="JavaScript1.1">
var myimages=new Array()
var gotolink="#"
function preloadimages(){
for (i=0;i<preloadimages.arguments.length;i++){
myimages[i]=new Image()
preloadimages("http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/color_si.jpg", "http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_si.jpg","http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/color_dxm.jpg", "http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_dxm.jpg","http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/color_tsg.jpg", "http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_tsg.jpg","http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/color_image.jpg", "http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_image.jpg")
<div id="wrap">
<div id="upper">
<div class="u-top">
<img src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_si.jpg" name="targetimage" id="si" border="0" />
<img class="picright" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_dxm.jpg" name="targetimage" id="dxm" border="0" />
<div class="u-mid">
<img src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_owners.png" />
<div class="u-low">
<img class="picleft" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_tsg.jpg" id="tsg" />
<img class="dxmlogo" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/logo_dxm.png" />
<img class="picright" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/bw_image.jpg" id="img" />
<div id="lower">
<div class="dots"><img src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/topdots.png"></div>
<div class="logos">
<a href="http://www.thescoutguide.com">
<img class="picll" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/logo_tsg.png"></a>
<img class="picmid" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/logo_si.png">
<a href="http://www.imagebydxm.com">
<img class="piclr" src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/logo_image.png"></a>
<div class="dots"><img src="http://www.dxmgp.com/group/images/lowdots.png"></div>
How about something like this? Consider you have a div containing image1.png. When you mouse over a hyperlink, you want to replace image1.png with image2.png. Then, when you move your mouse away from the hyperlink, image2.png will once again be replaced with image1.png:
This is your div containing the image:
<div id="image">
<img src="image1.png" />
This is the hyperlink:
Mouse over to change image
Here are the JavaScript functions that will replace the inner HTML of the div with different images:
<script type="text/javascript">
function mouseOver() {
document.getElementById("image").innerHTML = '<img src="image2.png" />';
function mouseOut() {
document.getElementById("image").innerHTML = '<img src="image1.png" />';
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.

