Javascript - get a variable from inside the local scope of a function - javascript

I am not great with anything beyond basic javascript so please forgive the simple question.
I am using the jsDraw2D library. This library has a graphics object that looks something like the following:
function jsGraphics(canvasDivElement) {
var canvasDiv;
this.drawLine = drawLine;
function drawLine(point1, point2) {
// do things with canvasDiv
You use it like this:
var gr = new jsGraphics(document.getElementById('canvas'))
gr.drawLine(new jsPoint(0,0), new jsPoint(10,10))
I would like to add a function to jsGraphics so that I can call
Is there a way to do this without editing the library itself?
I have tried
jsGraphics.prototype.getCanvasElement = function() { return canvasDiv }
but this doesn't seem to work. I have an intuitive feeling that its something with that new keyword but if you could explain why exactly it doesn't that would be helpful too.

Nope, this isn't using the normal JavaScript prototype-based inheritance, it's adding a separate drawLine function to every instance of jsGraphics, each with a closure around its own canvasDiv variable.
Once function jsGraphics() { is closed } there is no further way to access the canvasDiv variable at all, unless one of the functions inside provides access to it. This is often done deliberately to make private variables, explicitly to stop you getting at canvasDiv.

You can't just get to the canvasDiv element necessarily, because if it is never assigned to the object in the constructor using the this keyword, the reference to that object exists in a closure created by the constructor function itself.
You can however wrap the constructor in a new constructor and then set the prototypes equal:
function myJsGraphics(canvasDivElement) {
this.canvasDiv = canvasDivElement;, cavasDivElement);
myJsGraphics.prototype = jsGraphics.prototype;
Now you should be able to access the element using your new constructor:
var obj = new myJsGraphics(document.getElementById('blah-elem'));
elem = obj.canvasDiv;
The whole closure thing is a little weird if you're not used to it, but the gist is that functions defined in a certain scope but available elsewhere can refer to variables in the scope in which they were defined at all times. The easiest example is when you have a function that returns a function:
function makeIncrementer(start) {
return function () { return start++; };
var inc = makeIncrementer(0);
var inc2 = makeIncrementer(0);
inc(); // => 0
inc(); // => 1
inc(); // => 2
inc2(); // => 0
That reference to the "start" variable is "closed over" when the function is returned from the makeIncrementer function. It cannot be accessed directly. The same thing happens in an object's constructor, where local variables are "closed" into the member functions of the object, and they act as private variables. Unless there was a method or variable reference to a private member defined in the constructor, you just can't get access to it.

This "private state" technique has become more and more idiomatic in the last few years. Personally I've found it oddly limiting when trying to quickly debug something from the console or override behavior in a 3rd party library. It's one of the few times I think "Damn it, why can't I do this with the language". I've exploited this bug in Firefox 2 to good effect when I've really needed to debug a "private variable" quickly.
I'd be curious to know when others use this idiom or when they avoid it. (#bobince I'm looking at you).
Anyway #bobince has pretty much answered your question (nutshell: No, you can't access the canvasDiv variable from the scope you are in).
However, there is one thing you can do that is a tradeoff between a hack or editing the 3rd-party library (I always go for the hack ;): you can augment the object to hold a reference you know you will need later.
Hack 1: if you control the object instantiations yourself:
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var gr = new jsGraphics(canvas);
gr._canvasDiv = canvas; // Augment because we'll need this later
// Sometime later...
gr._canvasDiv; // do something with the element
If the library supports some concept akin to a destructor (fired on unload of the page or something), be sure to null out or delete your property there too, to avoid memory leaks in IE:
delete gr._canvasDiv;
OR Hack 2: Overwrite the constructor just after including the library:
// run after including the library, and before
// any code that instantiates jsGraphics objects
jsGraphics = (function(fn) {
return function(canvas) {
this._canvasDiv = canvas;
return fn.apply(this, arguments)
Then access the element (now public) as gr._canvasDiv. Same note about deleting it on page unload applies.


private function return the last instance [duplicate]

Stylistically, I prefer this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
To this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
};// var Filter = function(){...}
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way? Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
I've used the first structure before with success, but I want to make sure I'm not setting myself for a debugging headache, or causing a fellow developer grief and aggravation due to bad coding practices.
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way?
Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the
constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's
expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
Yes, there are drawbacks and unexpected scoping issues.
Assigning the prototype over and over to a locally defined function, both repeats that assignment and creates a new function object each time. The earlier assignments will be garbage collected since they are no longer referenced, but it's unnecessary work in both runtime execution of the constructor and in terms of garbage collection compared to the second code block.
There are unexpected scoping issues in some circumstances. See the Counter example at the end of my answer for an explicit example. If you refer to a local variable of the constructor from the prototype method, then your first example creates a potentially nasty bug in your code.
There are some other (more minor) differences. Your first scheme prohibits the use of the prototype outside the constructor as in:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct.apply(someFilterLikeObject, ...)
And, of course, if someone used:
without running the Filter constructor, that would also create a different result which is probably not as likely since it's reasonable to expect that something that uses the Filter prototype should run the Filter constructor in order to achieve expected results.
From a run-time performance point of view (performance of calling methods on the object), you would be better off with this:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
this.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There are some Javascript "experts" who claim that the memory savings of using the prototype is no longer needed (I watched a video lecture about that a few days ago) so it's time to start using the better performance of methods directly on the object rather than the prototype. I don't know if I'm ready to advocate that myself yet, but it was an interesting point to think about.
The biggest disadvantage of your first method I can think of is that it's really, really easy to make a nasty programming mistake. If you happen to think you can take advantage of the fact that the prototype method can now see local variables of the constructor, you will quickly shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you have more than one instance of your object. Imagine this circumstance:
var Counter = function(initialValue){
var value = initialValue;
// product is a JSON object
Counter.prototype.get = function() {
return value++;
var c1 = new Counter(0);
var c2 = new Counter(10);
console.log(c1.get()); // outputs 10, should output 0
Demonstration of the problem:
This is because, while it looks like the get method forms a closure and has access to the instance variables that are local variables of the constructor, it doesn't work that way in practice. Because all instances share the same prototype object, each new instance of the Counter object creates a new instance of the get function (which has access to the constructor local variables of the just created instance) and assigns it to the prototype, so now all instances have a get method that accesses the local variables of the constructor of the last instance created. It's a programming disaster as this is likely never what was intended and could easily be a head scratcher to figure out what went wrong and why.
While the other answers have focused on the things that are wrong with assigning to the prototype from inside the constructor, I'll focus on your first statement:
Stylistically, I prefer this structure
Probably you like the clean encapsulation that this notation offers - everything that belongs to the class is properly "scoped" to it by the {} block. (of course, the fallacy is that it is scoped to each run of the constructor function).
I suggest you take at the (revealing) module patterns that JavaScript offers. You get a much more explicit structure, standalone constructor declaration, class-scoped private variables, and everything properly encapsulated in a block:
var Filter = (function() {
function Filter(category, value) { // the constructor
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function(product) {
// run some checks
return is_match;
return Filter;
The first example code kind of misses the purpose of the prototype. You will be recreating checkProduct method for each instance. While it will be defined only on the prototype, and will not consume memory for each instance, it will still take time.
If you wish to encapsulate the class you can check for the method's existence before stating the checkProduct method:
if(!Filter.prototype.checkProduct) {
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There is one more thing you should consider. That anonymous function's closure now has access to all variables inside the constructor, so it might be tempting to access them, but that will lead you down a rabbit hole, as that function will only be privy to a single instance's closure. In your example it will be the last instance, and in my example it will be the first.
Biggest disadvantage of your code is closing possibility to override your methods.
If I write:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return different_result;
var a = new Filter(p1,p2);
The result will be different than expected as original function will be called, not my.
In first example Filter prototype is not filled with functions until Filter is invoked at least once. What if somebody tries to inherit Filter prototypically? Using either nodejs'
function ExtendedFilter() {};
util.inherit(ExtendedFilter, Filter);
or Object.create:
function ExtendedFilter() {};
ExtendedFilter.prototype = Object.create(Filter.prototype);
always ends up with empty prototype in prototype chain if forgot or didn't know to invoke Filter first.
Just FYI, you cannot do this safely either:
function Constr(){
const privateVar = 'this var is private';
this.__proto__.getPrivateVar = function(){
return privateVar;
the reason is because Constr.prototype === this.__proto__, so you will have the same misbehavior.

Cannot combine dynamic prototype pattern with prototype chaining [duplicate]

Stylistically, I prefer this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
To this structure:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
};// var Filter = function(){...}
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way? Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
I've used the first structure before with success, but I want to make sure I'm not setting myself for a debugging headache, or causing a fellow developer grief and aggravation due to bad coding practices.
Functionally, are there any drawbacks to structuring my code this way?
Will adding a prototypical method to a prototype object inside the
constructor function's body (i.e. before the constructor function's
expression statement closes) cause unexpected scoping issues?
Yes, there are drawbacks and unexpected scoping issues.
Assigning the prototype over and over to a locally defined function, both repeats that assignment and creates a new function object each time. The earlier assignments will be garbage collected since they are no longer referenced, but it's unnecessary work in both runtime execution of the constructor and in terms of garbage collection compared to the second code block.
There are unexpected scoping issues in some circumstances. See the Counter example at the end of my answer for an explicit example. If you refer to a local variable of the constructor from the prototype method, then your first example creates a potentially nasty bug in your code.
There are some other (more minor) differences. Your first scheme prohibits the use of the prototype outside the constructor as in:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct.apply(someFilterLikeObject, ...)
And, of course, if someone used:
without running the Filter constructor, that would also create a different result which is probably not as likely since it's reasonable to expect that something that uses the Filter prototype should run the Filter constructor in order to achieve expected results.
From a run-time performance point of view (performance of calling methods on the object), you would be better off with this:
var Filter = function( category, value ){
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
this.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There are some Javascript "experts" who claim that the memory savings of using the prototype is no longer needed (I watched a video lecture about that a few days ago) so it's time to start using the better performance of methods directly on the object rather than the prototype. I don't know if I'm ready to advocate that myself yet, but it was an interesting point to think about.
The biggest disadvantage of your first method I can think of is that it's really, really easy to make a nasty programming mistake. If you happen to think you can take advantage of the fact that the prototype method can now see local variables of the constructor, you will quickly shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you have more than one instance of your object. Imagine this circumstance:
var Counter = function(initialValue){
var value = initialValue;
// product is a JSON object
Counter.prototype.get = function() {
return value++;
var c1 = new Counter(0);
var c2 = new Counter(10);
console.log(c1.get()); // outputs 10, should output 0
Demonstration of the problem:
This is because, while it looks like the get method forms a closure and has access to the instance variables that are local variables of the constructor, it doesn't work that way in practice. Because all instances share the same prototype object, each new instance of the Counter object creates a new instance of the get function (which has access to the constructor local variables of the just created instance) and assigns it to the prototype, so now all instances have a get method that accesses the local variables of the constructor of the last instance created. It's a programming disaster as this is likely never what was intended and could easily be a head scratcher to figure out what went wrong and why.
While the other answers have focused on the things that are wrong with assigning to the prototype from inside the constructor, I'll focus on your first statement:
Stylistically, I prefer this structure
Probably you like the clean encapsulation that this notation offers - everything that belongs to the class is properly "scoped" to it by the {} block. (of course, the fallacy is that it is scoped to each run of the constructor function).
I suggest you take at the (revealing) module patterns that JavaScript offers. You get a much more explicit structure, standalone constructor declaration, class-scoped private variables, and everything properly encapsulated in a block:
var Filter = (function() {
function Filter(category, value) { // the constructor
this.category = category;
this.value = value;
// product is a JSON object
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function(product) {
// run some checks
return is_match;
return Filter;
The first example code kind of misses the purpose of the prototype. You will be recreating checkProduct method for each instance. While it will be defined only on the prototype, and will not consume memory for each instance, it will still take time.
If you wish to encapsulate the class you can check for the method's existence before stating the checkProduct method:
if(!Filter.prototype.checkProduct) {
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return is_match;
There is one more thing you should consider. That anonymous function's closure now has access to all variables inside the constructor, so it might be tempting to access them, but that will lead you down a rabbit hole, as that function will only be privy to a single instance's closure. In your example it will be the last instance, and in my example it will be the first.
Biggest disadvantage of your code is closing possibility to override your methods.
If I write:
Filter.prototype.checkProduct = function( product ){
// run some checks
return different_result;
var a = new Filter(p1,p2);
The result will be different than expected as original function will be called, not my.
In first example Filter prototype is not filled with functions until Filter is invoked at least once. What if somebody tries to inherit Filter prototypically? Using either nodejs'
function ExtendedFilter() {};
util.inherit(ExtendedFilter, Filter);
or Object.create:
function ExtendedFilter() {};
ExtendedFilter.prototype = Object.create(Filter.prototype);
always ends up with empty prototype in prototype chain if forgot or didn't know to invoke Filter first.
Just FYI, you cannot do this safely either:
function Constr(){
const privateVar = 'this var is private';
this.__proto__.getPrivateVar = function(){
return privateVar;
the reason is because Constr.prototype === this.__proto__, so you will have the same misbehavior.

How do you properly OOP with Javascript and clearly specify variable scopes?

In Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript, a formal description is given on how to use javascript in an object oriented fashion. Your code for functions inside objects would like along the lines of:
$(function() {
var oPerson = new cPerson("Florian");
alert("Hi! My name is " + oPerson.sMyNameIs());
function cPerson(sSetName)
var sName= sSetName;
var oPersonInst = this;
this.sMyNameIs = function () {
return sName;
With a bit more experience, you probably want a more clearcut reference to the instantiated class, so you modify the class code as such (and I add another function too):
function cPerson(sSetName)
var sName= sSetName;
var oPersonInst = this;
this.sMyNameIs = function () {
return oPersonInst.sName;
this.sMyFullNameIs = function () {
return oPersonInst.sMyNameIs();
Now we have come accross three different ways of referring to function or variables from within class functions:
return sName;
return this.sName;
return oPersonInst.sName;
Suppose I want to call the sName variable in the instantiated class very specifically, and these example functions will get more and more and even more complex and in depth as development goes on.
I think that the first option ('return sName;') is uncertain, as you are not quite sure whether you are referring to the variable in the right targeted instantiated class scope. It could be an accidental local var that you are calling.
The second, using this, IMHO, is also not perfect as this apparently changes depending on situations, and you can't (?) rely on that you are calling the right variable in the instantiated class specifically.
So the third reference, is IMHO, the best looking reference. Very specifically defined right at instantiation of the class. How can there be any doubt that the var sName of the class is meant.
Q1: Why are functions in the class defined with this.? Can it not better be defined with oPersonInst.something = function () { //... }; ?
Q2: why does, in code that I have given, alert(oPersonInst.sMyNameIs()); work, but alert(oPersonInst.sName); does not (at least, not within $.each( something, function() { //right here }) ), but alert(sName); DOES work (not favored IMHO, because of the above mentioned reasons)?
Q3: Can someone pot some exemplary code, or maybe even change this sample code, where solid out-of-local-scope references are used, that will work outside as well as inside $.each(...) callback functions (or other callback related functions) ?
Forgive my confusion, we're all learners, and I feel a hole in my brain. This article did not explain my concerns over this very well.
this doesn't change randomly at all.. it always means the current closure (function):
if you are in function_1() -- this means function_1
if you are in function_1>function_2 -- function_2 is the current closure and this means function_2
IF you need function_1's this in function_2 you have to capture it while in function_1: meaning var function1This = this;
and the way to reference a var by using the functions name before it means static access. It has different semantics
so use this.var to be sure you get the INSTANCE's variable
use a 'captured this pointer' to access your parents INSTANCE's variable
and only use name.var if you want to get the static, shared (between all instances) value

How can I use closures with function pointers?

My goal is to use closures while still writing clean code. One thing I noticed is that somehow I always end up repeating myself because one of my anonymous functions is needed in more than one case.
To this goal, I want to have these repeated functions stored in an object which I can later reuse.
Now, to my question. I've created this example and the alert will not fire, because y is null.
However, if I inline the function, everything works fine
Is there a trick to work around this? How can I have it working in the first example? The variable y is still there, why can't JS catch it?
You want objects having own variables (y) and sharing functions.
What you really need is probably prototype.
function Holder() {
this.y = 5;
Holder.prototype.myFn = function() {
alert("The value of the closure var is " + this.y);
new Holder();
I'd suggest the reading of Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript so that you don't try to rebuild OOP with just closures.
//our constructor, each instance will carry a y of 5
function Proto() {
this.y = 5;
//a shared function for all instances
Proto.prototype.returnedFn = function() {
alert("The value of the closure var is " + this.y);
//just a wrapper for the new instance call.
//I just like it this way to avoid using "new" when making instances
function newFn() {
//return a new instance
return new Proto();
//test it out
Your first example would need some kind of dynamic scoping to work. Javascript is statically scoped.
Closures allow a function to capture some local variables from the scope it's defined in. Holder.myFn isn't defined in a scope that contains variable y.
Also note that every instance of a function has its own closure. Hence it's not possible to define your function once and have it refer to different y's in different contexts. (In your second example the inner function is defined every time you call newFn, so many instances can exist, each with its own copy of y.)
I will also add an answer to my own question to report my findings.
Based on the other solutions provided and partly using the OOP solution, I found another way which also makes use of closures.
// Object prototype which takes an argument
function MyObj(abc) {
// Declare function using a closure
// and thus being able to use the argument
this.myFn = (function(){
return function() {
alert("abc is " + abc);
// Then we can simply create an object with the
// desired argument and the function will behave as expected
var v = new MyObj(10);
I think nobody provided this solution possibly because I omitted that I don't really want to store the values locally in the object. I simply want to pass some values in, make use of them in one function and then get rid of the object.
In this case I believe a pure OOP solution might be overkill.
Anyhow, thank you for all the proposed solutions!​

Is it customary JS to write getters for simple properties?

Is this code idomatic, or should I just acess the properties directly?
self.isAlive = function() {
return self.alive;
It all depends on implementation.
If you feel the property is always going to be the value, accessing the property is adequate. If you feel like there's going to be some logic that determines returning a "properly formatted" value, I would use a method (or if the value could possibly be dynamic based on other factors, a method is a good idea).
To go a step further, other languages like C# have properties making it safe to expose values, but not necessarily alter them. JS doesn't have such a method of protecting it, so often get<Var> is used to expose the property, but in a read-only fashion.
It's all about how you would like the data, while also trying to anticipate what the worst-case scenario could be if you expose the property directly vs. through a method.
It seems that you are speaking of properties in the classical OOP sense, i.e., properties of classes. In the current version of Javascript, simulating this behavior is not completely clean. Consider the following example:
var Widget = function() {
var private = 'private';
'Widget' is a constructor function, and 'private' will be instantiated in the scope of just the constructor function. That means there is only one way to get access to 'private' from outside the constructor function scope:
var Widget = function() {
var private = 'private';
this.getPrivate = function() {
return private;
This will hide the private variable for each instance of Widget, but unfortunately, 'getPrivate' must now be added to each instance of Widget. You can see this occurring in the constructor function by the statement this.getPrivate = .... Every time you make an instance of Widget using var widget1 = new Widget(), that specific instance will have a new function, 'getPrivate', added to it.
The normal way to make reusable components in Javascript is to use its implementation of Prototypical Inheritance. You assign a prototype object to the constructor function that will have shared methods and properties across all instances of the component. I will provide an example below to explain, but there are caveats to prototypical inheritance that you should become aware of if you are doing object-oriented javascript. A great resource.
Here's an example of how this might come in to play for your example:
var Widget = function() {
this.alive = true;
Widget.prototype.isAlive = function() {
return this.alive;
var widget1 = new Widget();
widget1.isAlive(); // returns true
The problem here is that the property alive is being added to the object, and thus, it is publicly available, i.e., any user of your Widget can simply look through the DOM in their favorite variation of FireBug and see (as well as freely modify) this property.
Consider a variation where you attempt to hide alive to external users. Because alive is a property of Widget instances, you would want to include the code to hide it in the constructor, as shown below:
var Widget = function() {
var alive = true;
However, as stated at the beginning of this post, alive in this case is only exposed to the constructor function's scope; therefore, it would not be accessible to methods on the prototype. The reason for this is that each of those methods do not have the same scope as the constructor function, since Javascript only has function scope.
In conclusion, if you're trying to hide data in a reusable component, javascript does not provide a clean way to do it. If you don't mind having new memory allocated on each component instance for the same methods, then you can use my second code example in this post. However, if you prefer to have your methods allocated in memory only once, then you will need to expose properties on the object instance, e.g., this.alive = true.
That's subjective. Use of getters and setters is very discussed. Some people (like me) say you should always use getters and setters to follow the encapsulation principle, while others say that you shouldn't since your application would become unmaintainable.
This is good practice if you don't want outside js code to modify your property. If this is the desired effect you might consider assigning that property using var instead of making it a property of that object. That way your code within the object can modify it but it can only be accessed through your getter
var alive = false;
function isAlive(){ return alive;}
You can use:
function isAlive(){
return arguments.callee.alive;
This appears to be ok still in strict mode.
Another way to accomplish this is
function isAlive(){
return isAlive.alive;
But the problem is that someone can use the name as a string, or rename the function etc... and you can loose the status.

