Javascript Canvas library optimized for mobile [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a fast canvas library optimized for mobile browsers. I have tried KinectJS and Fabric.js, but they are both slow or have too many bugs (artifacts, untriggered events, etc.) when using Phonegap.
Does anyone recommend a nice library with similar functionality?

Asking for libraries is kind of off topic here, but these are the popular ones (this list came from MDN - Canvas )
Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas
libCanvas is powerful and lightweight canvas framework
Processing.js is a port of the Processing visualization language
EaselJS is a library with a Flash-like API
PlotKit is a charting and graphing library
Rekapi is an animation keyframing API for Canvas
PhiloGL is a WebGL framework for data visualization, creative coding and game development.
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit creates interactive 2D Canvas data visualizations for the Web.
Frame-Engine is a framework for developing applications and games

Related vs traditional Cordova-based development [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently evaluating these two different ways of developing mobile apps, using vs. Cordova, which is to say plain HTML, CSS, and JS. What would be more sustainable to use in developing a web app?
Edit: is deprecated as of 2015 and does not receive active development, so the answer is quite clear.
AFAIK, and PhoneGap address different pain points in hybrid app development. provides a performant UI framework for your HTML app. Instead of using traditional DOM layout, it uses it's own rendering engine to position UI elements through 3D matrix transforms. PhoneGap on the other hand wraps your HTML app inside a native program which has an embedded HTML viewer plus some plugins for bridging the gap between HTML and native, so that your HTML app would benefit from native features as well. Using Phonegap plugins HTML app can show Native popups, use device services like accelerometer, camera etc and perform operations which otherwise are not possible from an HTML sandbox. You can use PhoneGap to wrap your HTML app irrespective of which UI framework was used to build it;, Ionic, JQuery mobile whatever.

Diagram library for adjacency matrix [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any javascript or python library for directly visualize incidence matrix which draw arrows and nodes? Like this.
For python, you can use networkx. The link is a gallery of graph visualizations, with associated source code.
For javascript, you can take a look at D3 Data-Driven Documents, another gallery of visualizations, some of which might be close to what you want.
Just as mtadd suggested Newtorkx has a very complete library to perform network analysis and basic visualization. The igraph library is another possibility. For better visualization I would consider using Gephi (java based) which is pretty intuitive and easy to manipulate.
Here is a link for a tutorial to use networkx and a link for a tutorial on gephi.

Selection of right tool for game development [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create a football (soccer) manager game as a hobby project? I want to create it for browser so in javascript
Is there some tool that will help me for that becouse I create a manager game so there is no need much interactivity and physics?
So there will be option like team tactics, stadium, PR, finance, trainings and so.
I've been playing with Quintus recently - - which gives you a nice little framework in which to build a 2D game. It seems geared toward concise code, with a prototyping/inheritance structure that makes it quite easy to start knocking together a game in HTML5/JS very quickly.
I don't know anything about the many similar engines, but there are plenty out there. Here's a good resource to help you pick one:
I'm guessing that you could also potentially roll your own if you had plenty of time to devote to it.

web UI framework for my needs [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently working on a web project with aims to create a minimalist, NUI influenced UI, but I hate designing with HTML and CSS. I'd really love to populate the page with javascript and AJAX and generate a completely layout or templates in pure javascript with the least amount of CSS and HTML as possible. I aim to have very few images on the site, most visuals should be generated by CSS(rounded corners, gradients, etc).
I've dealt with handlebar.js, and some libraries that stack on top of handlebars.js but they aren't really providing me with a fast way to develop a minimal UI for my web service.
My application is not a single page application.
Any suggestions that would fit my needs?
Bootstrap works great and might be flexible enough.

Social network graph using a javascript library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I intend to draw a directed graph (node-oriented). The nodes in the graph are dynamically generated. I am wondering if there's any good js library out there that solves my problem. Edges and weights need to be custom configured.
The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides graph view that can be dynamically generated and updated using AJAX etc. It provides a number of views that are customizable.
From my experience D3.js is most flexible
also there is new sigmajs libaray
Have you looked into the RaphaelJS library?
Check out the awesome demos on the site. It's cross-browser, because it uses VML in IE and SVG in other browsers.
You can try too.
Commercially licensed - KeyLines would do the job - also cross-browser, both old IE & newer browsers supported (incl iPads). Disclaimer: I help to develop it ;-)
Cytoscape Web JS will do what you need.
Check out the github repository here
and you can play around with some demos here

